Monday, December 15, 2008

Yawn... So, where was I?

Good question.

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Yeah. I figured. Good luck finding someone to answer THAT question. I'm the one that's been living (supposedly) this life, and even I can't answer with any clarity.

Oh, by the way, I'm using Ben Stein's image without his persmission. Don't tell him. OR, maybe you should tell him. Nothing would get me out of these doldrums so quickly as a lawsuit, preferably long and drawn out and high profile.

I was going to link it to his site, but... Maybe that would be going too far.

Anyway.... Last few months. I worked at Eidos Montreal for a while. On the new Deus Ex. Was hoping to get some Thief project too. Apparently my face is persona (more accurately faci or faca or face, whatever) non grata. Not a nibble. That Invisible Man syndrome coming back to bite me in the ass again. I may get some more time on Deus Ex in the new year.

Working on a graphic novel/comic with a friend of mine. Actually we're planning on a few of them.... Gives me something to do I guess. Our first attempt may be entered in an online competition very soon. Winners get a 1 year online publishing deal. Stay tuned.

Other writing... sigh. I'm not sure I want to discuss it. I'm trying to avoid any subject that might tempt me into throwing myself under a bus.

Well... so far this post looks like more of a diary entry than the incisive look at human foibles that you've become accustomed to from the Torch.

Did any of you buy that? If so, I've got a comic to sell you... or some half-finished short stories... or a barely used typewriter. (I know... but typewriter works better for this joke)